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Boyd House Renovation


Thanks to the remarkable generosity of donors, Chesterwye Center completed renovations on the Boyd House, which provides a welcoming and comforting home for four adults with developmental disabilities. Boyd House has four bedrooms, an open floor plan with shared living room, bathrooms designed for wheelchair accessibility, and a second bath designed to assist with mobility. 

Today the Chesterwye Center maintains and supports adults in nine homes in Queen Anne’s County.  Each home is outfitted to the specific needs of disabled adults. The next phase for Boyd House is furnishing, decorating, and landscaping. The bedrooms have already been painted to the color choices of the adults who will live at Boyd House.  

Each adult is provided assistance including transportation to community activities, to a job, or to everyday outings such as a visit to the mall. “Homestyle living” provides a family atmosphere, with the dignity of a private room, close friendships, integration into the community, and the support of full-time professional care.

Thank you to all those who made the renovation of the Boyd House possible.

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